If your child requires more care from you than other children of the same age and they are likely to need you to care for them for the rest of their lives, you are probably a parent carer.
Your child may have a physical disability, autism spectrum disorder, a hearing impairment, learning difficulties or complex health needs.
Our services
You can register with our service as a parent carer if your child is under the age of 18. However, once your child reaches the age of 18, you can still benefit from the support that Carer Support Dorset has to offer as a carer of your adult child.
You can call and register with us on 0800 368 8349. As a registered parent carer, support that we may be able to offer include:
• The Dorset Carers Card giving you discounts off a range of businesses and services across Dorset – www.carersupportdorset.co.uk/resource-centre/carers-card
• Access to training courses and workshops.
• Signposting and Information about local services to promote your health and wellbeing.
• Information about services that support parent and families carers.
• Our Here to Talk befriending scheme.
Other services that can help
Dorset Parent Carer Council
Dorset Parent Carer Council (DPCC) is an independent voluntary organisation that formed in June 2009. The DPCC are the parent carer forum recognised by the Department of Education, Dorset Council and NHS Dorset and are members of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums.
DPCC is run by parents and carers for parents and carers of children and young people age 0-25 years with special educational needs or disability (SEND) who live in Dorset.
You can find out more on their website – http://www.dorsetparentcarercouncil.co.uk
The Xchange
The Xchange provides a useful website for parent carers in Dorset. In addition to this, by joining the Xchange, you can access:
• A Dorset Max Card for your child which gives you discounts for venues and events.
• Sign up to regular newsletters by email.
• Email updates with important news and information.
• Online Dorset Short Breaks Care Passport.
• Opportunities to have your say on SEND services.
You can find out more on their website – https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/children-families/sen-and-disability-local-offer/activities-the-local-offer/xchange/the-xchange.aspx
Council for Disabled Children
The Council for Disabled Children has information and advice for parents of disabled children and those with special educational needs. Visit their website – https://councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk
If you would like to know more about any of these services, please get in touch with Carer Support Dorset today – https://www.carersupportdorset.co.uk/contact-us