It’s finally Carers Week 2024, and as we celebrate, we want to take a moment to shine a spotlight on all the incredible work you do day in and day out. You are the unsung heroes of our community, selflessly caring for your loved ones and we want you to know that we see you, we appreciate you, and we want to make sure you know just how important you are.

This year’s theme for Carers Week is ‘putting carers on the map’ and Carer Support Dorset is always working towards that goal. We’re here to help you access the services, information, education, and training you need to feel supported in your caring role. We want to make sure you have the opportunity to take breaks and have some much-needed respite from your responsibilities. You deserve that time to recharge and focus on your own health and wellbeing.

In preparation for Carers Week 2024 we spoke to unpaid carer Rosario about what Carers Week meant to her, and why she believes it is so important to recognise and celebrate. In her own words, this is what she said:


“I am Rosario and help my father support my mother who has a severe mental illness. From my perspective as a carer and having volunteered at Carer Support Wiltshire & Dorset and worked for a charity in the past that helps unpaid carers, Carers Week is important because many people (myself included) don’t realise they are carers for a long time and some may never know and won’t get support they need and deserve, or know their rights.

Knowing you are a carer could be the difference between struggling and being isolated and not being able to live the life you want to and could also have a negative effect on the person being cared for. It is a lot of pressure to support someone with no support network yourself.

Putting Carers on the Map is such an important theme because if work places, schools, colleges, universities and the wider population know more about why carers are important, conditions to thrive and support for their cared for can improve. Thanks to being put in contact with Carer Support Wiltshire & Dorset, not only did I understand my caring role better but I felt understood and less isolated due to having support and meeting other carers. I was able to carry on a masters degree thanks to evidence provided by the charity. And because of this support I felt inspired to give back and have volunteered and worked in a sector to help other carers, and make something of my life as well as learning how to be there for my mother”


Carer Support Dorset is here to ensure that your voice is heard. We work closely with health and social care professionals, as well as employers, to raise awareness about the vital role carers play in our society. We advocate for your needs and work towards developing best practices that will benefit you and your loved ones.

Our vision for the future is one where carers have better health and wellbeing, where you can make choices about your caring role and access the support and services that are right for you. We want your needs, voices, and contributions to be recognised and valued by all.

So, to all the carers in Dorset, we see you, we appreciate you, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Happy Carers Week 2024!