As a carer, planning for the future can often take a backseat to the daily responsibilities of providing care and support. However, it is crucial to take the time to think about what may lie ahead and prepare accordingly.

It can be difficult to think about the future when you are focused on the here and now. But having a plan in place is essential for both you and the person you care for. Whether it’s making a will, setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, or creating an emergency plan, taking these steps now can help alleviate stress and uncertainty in the future.

One important aspect of planning for the future is setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney. This legal document allows the person you care for to appoint someone they trust to make decisions on their behalf if they are unable to do so themselves. It’s a way to ensure that their wishes are respected and their best interests are protected. You can find more information on Power of Attorney via these links – The Citizens Advice:, English government:

In addition to setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, making a will is another key part of planning for the future. A will ensures that your loved one’s assets are distributed according to their wishes and can help prevent disputes among family members. It’s a way to provide clarity and peace of mind for both you and the person you care for. Citizens Advice have more information on making a will –, and for parent carers, Mencap has a useful page on making wills –
Leaving a legacy gift in your will is a beautiful way to make a lasting impact beyond your lifetime, ensuring that causes close to your heart continue to benefit. Your generosity can provide support for future generations and leave a meaningful legacy that reflects your values and beliefs. You can find out more about legacy gifts here –, and learn about leaving a legacy to CSD here –

Planning for emergencies is also crucial when you are a carer. Having an emergency plan in place can help ensure that the person you care for receives the support they need if you are unable to provide care, whether due to illness, injury, or other unforeseen circumstances. It’s important to make sure that key information, such as contact details, medical information, and appointment dates, is easily accessible in case of an emergency. If you would like more information on planning for an emergency click here –

Remember, advocacy services are available to assist you in speaking up for yourself or the person you care for, especially when it comes to making decisions about their care and wellbeing. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance if you need it. In Dorset, the advocacy service is provided by SWAN Advocacy. Find out more on our advocacy page –

Planning for the future may not always be easy, but it is an important part of being a carer. By taking the time to make these preparations now, you can help ensure that the person you care for receives the best possible care and support in the future. Your dedication to your loved one is invaluable, and by planning ahead, you can continue to provide the best care possible for them no matter what happens. Remember, support is available to help you every step of the way. You can contact us on 0800 368 8349, or email us on