Tax, Care and Family Affairs
Protecting your family’s nest egg- For many people, one of the biggest worries as they grow old is being able to give their family a helping hand and make sure that when they die, what they have worked all their life for goes to the people they love the most. Sadly, as you grow old, you have to pay for many things that you have once done yourself. And these things, such as help at home, getting around and care fees, can soon make a big difference to that nest egg. We can give practical help and advice on how to protect as much of your wealth as possible for future generations.
Inheritance tax – There may be ways of putting a protective arm around your wealth which help to reduce the burden of Inheritance Tax for future generations. We can help to make sure that you make the most of tax allowances and tax planning opportunities.
Stopping ‘sideways disinheritance’ – Re-marriage of a surviving spouse after the first death of a couple can result in the new husband/wife inheriting everything, whilst the children from the first marriage get nothing. Our advice can help protect the family home and savings for future generations and go to the children and grandchildren.
Lasting Powers of Attorney – As we continue to live longer, a large number of us will suffer from dementia and lose the capacity to look after ourselves. No one wants to think about what will happen if they become unable to make decisions themselves through illness, an accident or old age. However doing so now and having LPAs in place will remove the burden from your family and help reduce the stress and cost to your family at a very difficult time.
Our speaker will introduce the above issues, and explain what steps can be taken to plan for the future.
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